Contact us
Administrative office
"Belomorski prohod" №66, 2/А/7, Sofia 1407, BULGARIA
- For correspondence only.
- There are no products on display in the office, you can see them only in the Demonstration Center!
- Our office deals only with things related to logistics, accounting and administration.
- You can not buy, pay or receive any device, machine or technical service there. Please, kindly understand this.
“Nikolay Haytov” №12, Sofia 1113, BULGARIA
- We offer flexible working hours, tailored to your schedule.
- Due to the conditions of COVID, it is important to make an appointment in advance to visit.
- Some machines need to be pre-prepared for operation (eg warmed up to the required temperature) before they can be shown working. Therefore, it is advisable to let us know what you are interested in so that you do not have to wait long.
- We have demo materials/supplies to present functionality of all machines on offer, but the best idea is to bring your own product or materials to be placed in the machine to see the effectiveness of your potential investment.
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