
Straight blade


17268 13Euro

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Fully hydraulic guillotine

Working width - 73 cm

Accurate and reliable

Protective screen with IR protection

100 programs and each with 100 steps

Self-diagnosis and log


Why HSS type of steel is being used to make knives guillotines?

High-speed steel High-speed steel (HSS or HS) is a subset of tool steels, commonly used in tool bits and cutting tools. It is ...

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Automatic hydraulic guillotine made in Poland by the company Grafkut. By offering this high-quality paper cutting guillotine, we strive to meet the needs of the printing industry. GRAFCUT 73H is designed to be widely used in the printing business (whether offset or digital), as it has high efficiency and excellent performance combined with adequate price and high quality.
Adjustable defaults Operator-specific default clamping pressure and backgauge speed, automatic loading at switch-on
The units of measurement can be changed at any time. The choice is between mm / inch (display accuracy up to 1/10 mm or 1/100 inch). One hundred programs each containing 100 steps can be stored. The program runs automatically. Direct input of measurements via numeric keypad for manual operation. Built-in Calculator (four basic arithmetic operations). Automatic SET function for reference measurement. The EJECT function - for ejecting paper - can be integrated in cutting programs.
Programmable powered guillotine – for increased efficiency and productivity. With IR light beam safety curtain and hydraulic clamp drive. Well-designed digital functions, intuitive controls. Enjoy optimised workflows and flawless precision.
Adjusting the cutting depth is done by an electronically controlled flywheel with an ergonomic handle. Easy replacement of the blade and counter knife from the front of the guillotine. Fast electric rear alignment drive with touch screen for easy setup, multilingual operator instructions.
Whether you’re a newbie or an old hand, guillotine work has never been easier. In other word, here you meet - Precision. Clean edges with every cut, precision-bearing blade guide electronically monitored false clamp plate manual fine adjustment of the backgauge.

Technical parameters
  • Cutting lenght up to 730 mm
  • Cutting hight 100 mm
  • Paper clamping  hydraulic
  • Blade movement hydraulic
  • Backguage movement Servomotor with electronic microadjustment crank
  • Table depth backside  730 mm
  • Narrow cut 25 mm without false clamp
  • Narrow cut 50 mm with false clamp
  • Cutting accuracy 0,1 mm
  • Color RAL7004 - signal grey
  • Power connection in volts 230 V / 50 Hz / 3,80 кW
  • Dimensions (W х D х H) 1105 x 1755 x 1460 (H) mm
  • Dimensions with side tables (W х D х H) 1855 x 1755 x 1460 (H) mm
  • Nett weight + side tables 600/620 kg.

Design and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Side table is an option, should be ordered separately. The technical data is approximate. Possible changes in price without a notice. ¹ The Geprüfte Sicherheit ("Tested Safety") or GS mark is a voluntary certification mark for technical equipment. It indicates that the equipment meets German and, if available, European safety requirements for such devices. The main difference between GS and CE mark is that the compliance with the European safety requirements has been tested and certified by a state-approved independent body. CE marking, in contrast, is issued for the signing of a declaration that the product is in compliance with European legislation. The GS mark is based on the German Equipment and Product Safety Act ("Geräte- und Produktsicherheitsgesetz", or "GPSG". Although the GS mark was designed with the German market in mind, it appears on a large proportion of electronic products and machinery sold elsewhere in the world. PS. We strive description, photos and specifications to be completely authentic. Unfortunately, due to the large number of items that are available, it is inevitable that sometimes errors appear. Please let us know if you notice a mistake. Thank you in advance.

Side tables (left/right) for GRAFCUT 73H.
Spare knife for GRAFCUT 73H.
Stacking angle.
Cutting sticks for GRAFCUT 73H
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Why HSS type of steel is being used to make knives guillotines?

High-speed steel High-speed steel (HSS or HS) is a subset of tool steels, commonly used in tool bits and cutting tools. It is ...

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